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Austin Property Manager Blog


How Property Management Can Help You Protect Your Investment Property in Austin, TX

The average landlord income in Austin, TX, is a lucrative $51,777. You can also make this salary passively if you hire professionals to manage your investment property on your behalf.

However, before you employ a property management firm, you'll want to know what they'll do for you. While property management businesses carry out many functions, we'll look at four of their most important services.

Read on to learn why you should work with a property manager.

Increased Occupancy Rates

Keeping your rental home occupied is key to your success. However, this isn't always easy. You need to invest in rental property marketing and know how to make your house stand out from others in your area.

When you receive an inquiry, it's important to perform a tenant screening process. This will confirm that the applicant has the means to pay and that they have references confirming that they are reliable and trustworthy.

These tasks can be time-consuming, but they need to be done. Depending on the length of each lease, you may even have to go through these procedures several times per year. When you hire a property management company, they'll take on these responsibilities.

Property Maintenance

You can expect some of your income from rental rates to go toward property maintenance. This is an inevitable part of keeping your residential investment in a safe and appealing condition.

At Monte Davis Property Management Service, we take care of any maintenance problems. We work with the best tradespeople in Austin, TX, so we can look after your property. With fast response times and affordable rates, we ensure your tenants are happy while keeping your rental ROI high.

Investment Property Rent Collection

The rent collection process can be stressful. Unfortunately, sometimes tenants pay late or try to avoid paying for unjustifiable reasons. However, experienced property management professionals know how to handle these difficult situations, and how to avoid them in the first place.

By making the payment process as simple as possible, we make it easier for tenants to pay on time every month. We also handle rental property accounting requirements so you can see how much you're earning from your investment.

Tenant Eviction

Ideally, you'll have long-term, responsible tenants. This is the perfect scenario and it is often the case. But there are occasions when tenants are unsuitable and eviction may be your only choice.

This can be an unpleasant situation for all parties, and you may prefer for a property management firm to take over the process. There are legal requirements to meet, and you'll want the issue resolved as soon as possible. A qualified professional will work diligently to evict your tenant and source a new applicant to fill the vacancy.

Monte Davis Property Management Service Is Here for You

Owning a residential investment property can be an excellent way to earn a substantial income. At Monte Davis Property Management Service, we ensure you maximize your profits.

Our experienced team finds the right tenants for your property and deals with any issues that may arise. With more than 40 years of real estate industry experience, we can help you.

To discuss your property management needs, contact our friendly staff today.
